'reclaiming I matter': a six-week course journeying back to yourself

Welcome to 'Reclaiming I Matter'.

This course is an invitation to reconnect with the most important relationship you will ever have, the one with yourself. 

So many of us were taught that it is our job to attend to the needs of others before our own. We can feel responsible for how other people think, feel and behave and this is simply not true. You should never have to abandon yourself to appease another adult.

Perhaps you were taught to hide or silence your needs and to not do so would in fact be selfish of you. In truth, if your compassion and consideration does not include yourself, then it is incomplete. 

If you are not taking the leading role in your own life, then who is? You deserve to be fully present and live from a place of honesty and authenticity. 

The six stages of this course have been specifically crafted to help you to understand how you really feel, what you need, how to hold healthy boundaries and how to deeply connect with and care for yourself.

Whatever it is that has drawn you here, feel into that, start to listen to yourself. I know that if you do nothing other than learn to integrate these six core pillars into your life, it will set you free to live from a place of deep peace, clarity and empowerment.

I look forward to hearing from you and learning more about your journey and how I can support you. 

Our next six-week course will run online:

21 MAY - 25 JUNE 2024 (9.30am-11.30am AEST) 

Connect with me to learn more

'reclaiming I matter': a six-week course journeying back to yourself

I'm excited to chat more in person to tell you more about 'reclaiming i matter'. Register your details below and i'll be in touch soon.

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thank you for reaching out.
i will be in touch soon.


Thank you, I can’t say that more loudly, for helping me to start to really find who I am.

- Katie

Of all the courses I have ever attended, yours spoke to me in a way that I have never experienced before.

- Debbie

I had no idea what I was walking into, but I absolutely loved everything about this course. It was the highlight of my week.

- Bella

have learned I have trouble setting boundaries, due to my upbringing. Now I can learn to recognise this and begin to be authentic and healthy in my relationships.

- Tanya

I have learned so much about myself and why I am doing what I’m doing. 

- Chloe

I can now be open with others and tell my truth.

- Sarah

wondering if this course is for you?

  • Do you have difficulty saying no or feel guilty when you do?
  • Do you feel responsible for how other people think, feel and behave?
  • Do you struggle to know what you need?
  • Do you feel resentful, unfulfilled or generally unhappy?
  • Are you having difficulty navigating through a separation, loss or trauma?
  • Do you feel like there is something holding you back?

Enquire now

wondering if this course is for you?

I'm excited to chat more in person to tell you more about 'reclaiming i matter'. Register your details below and i'll be in touch soon.

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wondering if this course is for you?

thank you for reaching out.
i will be in touch soon.


Each week we'll cover one topic. After completion, you'll have full emotional clarity on each topic and will be able to apply it to your day-to-day life. 

the witness

In week one I will give you one of the most valuable tools any of us will ever have, The Witness. Understanding how to take this perspective in your life will disentangle you from the other narratives and enable you to see the truth of what is really happening for you and what it is you really need.


the six stages of reclaiming i matter

Each week we'll cover one topic. After completion, you'll have full emotional clarity on each topic and will be able to apply it to your day-to-day life. 

Once we can see what is really going on for us, we can work with it, so in week two we learn how to hold conscious conversations and claim our truth. This is a practical exploration of what we can do to create change in our lives, and I will share strong frameworks to support that.


the six stages of reclaiming i matter

claiming our truth

Each week we'll cover one topic. After completion, you'll have full emotional clarity on each topic and will be able to apply it to your day-to-day life. 


Week three is a big one, emotional boundaries. We learn what they are, how they are formed, and how we use them to keep ourselves safe. Many of us have never had this role modelled so this week is always full of huge ah-ha moments.


the six stages of reclaiming i matter

Each week we'll cover one topic. After completion, you'll have full emotional clarity on each topic and will be able to apply it to your day-to-day life. 

what stops us from holding boundaries?

Understanding boundaries allows us to explore what stops us from holding them. Week four explores the outer resistance, the push back we get from others, and in week five we look inside ourselves at our own inner barriers.


the six stages of reclaiming i matter

Each week we'll cover one topic. After completion, you'll have full emotional clarity on each topic and will be able to apply it to your day-to-day life. 

Continuing the journey

Week six is a deeply heartfelt understanding of what reclamation of self really is. We look at the ways in which we show up for ourselves and the ways in which we might not. You will leave with clear commitments to yourself, supporting you to continue to uphold change in your life.  


the six stages of reclaiming i matter

Take a step towards self-love and true joy. Book your spot on the next course.

Upcoming online course:

21 May - 25 June 2023
Tuesdays, 9.30am-11.30am, AEST (Australia) 

$750 AUD

Reserve your spot

Via Zoom

Upcoming in-person course:

New date coming soon 

$850 AUD


I'm excited to chat more in person to tell you more about 'reclaiming i matter'. Register your details below and i'll be in touch soon.

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Email address

Contact number

What would you like to know?




thank you for reaching out.
i will be in touch soon.


Do i need to prepare for the course?

We will connect via Zoom or a phone call ahead of the course so I can understand more about your journey and how I can best support you. There is nothing to do ahead of time other than to trust you are in the right spot. This course always attracts precisely who needs to be there. 

Will i need to do anything in between the weekly sessions?

Each week I will share tools and resources to take back into your personal life and practice your learning. 
These are always well-loved and received, although there is no expectation for you to do any homework.

what is included in the course?

All course material is included, and the tools and resources are to keep. For the courses in-person, there will also be refreshments at the venue and most women find they relish in the likeminded support and connection with others.
I am always available to connect in if there is something you may need more personal support with.
And of course the goal is a more fulfilled, joyful and empowered you.

what will i gain from this investment?

You will transcend into a more elevated version of yourself. 
You will be more informed and armed with a toolkit to find true joy, balance and peace. 
You'll be exposed to profoundly spiritual and life-altering psychotherapeutic methods developed by myself and experts throughout decades of research, academic study and practical experience. 
You will finally understand and grasp the power that already lives within you, allowing you to live and love more fiercely.

how is this course different to individual therapy?

This course follows a particular structure to reach particular outcomes. There is incredible value in sound-boarding your experience with peers, and feeding off of each other's energy. Questions and answers can snowball into greater realisations when conducted within a group. Peer-support and post-course accountability can help you find strength in your resolve. You'll also make true friends that are aligned with your life purpose. 

PACFA Registered Psychotherapist









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